
It is our goal to nurture children in faith and love
as they learn of Jesus and discover how to thrive as citizens of Heaven placed here on Earth.
This ministry gives children a chance to interact, grow, learn, and worship amongst their peers.
~ Kingdom Kids meets on Sundays and Wednesdays ~
If you’re interested in having your child attend one of our meetings – call the office for more information.

Nursery/Toddler Room: Infants– 5 Years Old
Meets Sunday mornings at 10am
Children: K-5th grade
Children will be dismissed from the 10am adult service.

First Sunday of each month is "Family Sunday". There will be no Kingdom Kids on these days.
Clipboard activities will be available for those that need them.

Children: K – 5th grade
Meets Wednesday nights from 6-7pm

The Kingdom kids are collecting cans/bottles to raise funds for summer camp.
Please bring in your cans to support our children!